Mon Compte Carte Noire
Savourez un café bio de grande qualité, aux légères notes de biscuits sucrés et de grains issus de plantations biologiques situées dans les montagnes péruviennes.
9,99 € 19,98 €/kg
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Doux, intense, fruité…Pour vous, nos maîtres torréfacteurs créent avec passion des cafés aux arômes envoûtants.
Catalogue Price: This is the price normally applied for sale, intended to provide a reference price with which to compare the final selling price even in the absence of discounts.
Previous Price(if applicable): This is the lowest price applied to the product for sale on the website in the 30 days prior to the start of the promotion. This period may be shortened if the product has been available on the market for less than 30 days